Why we recommend Scientipôle Croissance

Scientipôle – French fund for innovative startups – selects innovative startups and help them get seed funding : personal loans for founders. Mentors are respected experts in the startup ecosystem. They work with you to improve your value proposition or redefine your strategy.

Blockbase was distinguished by the jury of Scientipôle and got all the jury’s voices for BulldozAIR app.

Many thanks to Hugues Randriatsoa from Scientipôle and Mr Robert Lassere our dedicated expert. Both of them helped us to refine our strategy and get our first clients before facing the jury.
We highly recommend young entrepreneurs to check their eligibility forscientipole initiative – or France initiative for other regions- It’s a very good way to start after having you first MVP or your first clients.

Scientipôle’s network works great when it comes to meeting other entrepreneurs during their Brouhaha networking nights on Paris peniches.

The label is well known and recognized in France. It gives you credibility and recognition for next steps.

go check : http://www.scientipole-initiative.org/

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