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The right way to implement a collaborative approach

Collaboration is an incredibly intangible but powerful asset for any business as it can improve problem-solving, creativity, productivity and even reduce costs. This is the reason why many companies like Google, Lego and Facebook have focused a big part of their efforts in promoting a collaborative environment at their workplace.

What is collaboration?

Many view collaboration as just working together to achieve a common goal. However, real collaboration goes beyond that concept. It occurs when an employee decides to help out another colleague or share crucial findings with the rest of the team without a true obligation.

A collaborative culture enables businesses to innovate and greatly improve many aspects of their operations. However, to truly profit from the benefits of collaboration, we should not confuse it with teamwork. This concept refers to the result of a specific business situation needing a solution in where more than one person needs to be involved. Teams also have leaders which are responsible for resolving disputes or removing unproductive members. Leaders manage the group’s differences and allow them to arrive at their end goal.

As in teamwork, members who are collaborating can have common goals to reach however, these goals are not their core responsibilities. They also have individual obligations that, in some cases, can even compete with others. Additionally, collaboration is not hierarchical. In other words, members who are collaborating have all the same authority level which promotes communication and creativity, however, makes conflict resolution a lot more problematic.

This is the most prominent difference between teamwork and collaboration. Unlike teams, collaborators need to be emotionally engaged with the rest of the members, otherwise, rivalry and conflicts can surface and render the collaboration futile.

Trust: the key for collaboration

Trust among colleagues is the only way to reduce the potential of conflict or rivalry, and enable collaborators to reach positive and feasible results. There can be collaboration without trust, however, its results won’t be as beneficial or fruitful as employees might be cautious to share their brightest ideas or conflict may arise when opinions do not align with those of others.

For this reason, it is crucial for any company aiming to promote a collaborative culture to focus on developing an environment of trust and respect among their employees. Fortunately, trust is contagious and once a business has spread it enough, employees will continue to expand it.
Here there are some practices that can help you promote trust at your workplace:

Not all collaboration is the same

Depending on the ultimate goal, we can divide collaboration into two categories: quantity-focused and quality-focused. Neither one is better than the other. However, failing to identify which approach is the most beneficial to the situation can hurt the results of the collaboration.

On the field: cultivating collaboration

Creating a collaborative culture in an organization is not an easy task. It requires time and effort from executives and employees, many of whom can present resistance due to fear of being wrong, getting more work, creating conflict, etc. Nonetheless, the benefits of collaboration far outweigh its cost. According to a CISCO study made in 2010, it was concluded that for every dollar invested in collaboration, four dollars were returned. Yet, the real gain of collaboration is the long-term leverage it offers against competitors. Businesses with collaborative cultures are able to innovate and acquire competitive advantages that help them stay one-step ahead of the other players in the industry. Following, there are some of the best practices you can implement to boost the collaboration in your organization and start implementing a collaborative culture.

A collaborative culture represents a key asset in many organizations as it creates real benefits that can reap valuable long-term results for businesses. Nevertheless, it can also use resources from the organization and requires a commitment to develop it. Fortunately, its advantages are far more abundant than its constraints.

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