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Club partenaires CAPEB – Thursday the 3rd November 2016

On the 3rd of November CAPEB, Confédération de l’Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment, invited us to participate in a discussion to discuss digitization in the construction industry during the annual “CAPEB Club partenaire”. We were glad to have a chance to discuss the subject with companies such as Levels3D, Dispatcher and MyCaptR.

Digital revolution

An opportunity for the actors and observers of the sector to make a quick observation: even if the change in the construction industry is already visible, we are still waiting for the digital revolution to happen. But where does this lack of keeping up with other sectors come from? While the initial skepticism of the actors in the field related to digital has not facilitated this advance, it being less and less relevant today not being the only factor to take into account.

Startups & Crafts

The challenge is not only technical since functional solutions already exist (as BulldozAIR, Dispatcher & MyCaptr had the opportunity to demonstrate). Addressing artisans and small businesses is indeed a challenge for startups. This challenge is particularly high in such a fragmented industry that the construction industry is: in France, 94% of construction companies have less than 10 employees!

Conclusion on the field

The complementary know-how between small businesses and startups in the construction industry has emerged as the conclusion of the day’s discussions. We will continue to support the players in the field, regardless of the size of their sites!

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