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15 Productivity blogs that can change your life

In everyday life we are facing different problems such as stress, bad time management, disorganization, financial problems etc.

All these may lead to problems at work and home, depression and health issues. In order to avoid such negative consequences, we need to spend a little time per day on our self-development and personal productivity. If you do not know how, different productivity blogs will help you to do that. Today exists maybe hundreds or more of such blogs. We made our own list of fifteen productivity blogs that will help you to think out of box, improve your leadership skills and personal productivity.

Asian efficiency: the blog gives advices, tips and tricks on how to manage everyday problems, develop personal productivity, how to make a better time management and just how to make life more efficient.

Buffer: even though it is a social media tool but it has a blog concentrated on different topics such as productivity, technologies, business and happiness.

Change your thoughts is Steven Aitchison blog on how to change your live and your thoughts with a focus on psychology, personal development, lifestyle, relationships, health, business and spirituality.

Dumb little man gives you tips for life, especially, what concerns happiness, success, money and lifehacks.

Legal productivity. In spite of the fact, that this blog is mostly for lawyers and about holding business of law, you can find interesting how to get organized, market your firm and make money. Everyone know that lawyers are best in it.

Lifehack: offers advices, resources, tips that can make the things done more efficiently and effectively. This blog contains such topics as communication, productivity, lifestyle, technology and money.

Lifehacker offers tips, tricks and downloads for getting things done as their moto says. It is possible to confuse a Lifehacker with a Lifehack because of their similarity.

Mark and Angel Hack life: a blog of Mark and Angel Chernoff with an aim to inspire people to live on their fullest potential. This blog is devoted to finding of happiness and love, relationships, success and peace. All articles are based on the personal experience of authors.

Pick the brain is a blog dedicated to personality growth, primarily focusing on personal productivity, motivation, self-improvement and health.

The fast track is a blog that provides tools to get job done fast as well as it gives tips and advices on such issues as leadership, productivity, communication, career, collaboration.

Time management ninja is a Craig Jarrow blog that gives advices on better time management organization, productivity, goal setting, technology. One proverb says that until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. So if you have problems with time management this blog is for you.

Unclutterer is a blog for home and office organization because good organization is a first step to productivity. This blog provides tips and advises in different areas which will help you to be better organized.

Wise bread is a financial blog that gives you tips on how to live good with a small budget.

Work awesome: I think the name of the blog talks by itself. The blog is for people who like their job and want to become awesome in it with an everyday moto “Work better. Live better”.

Zen habits: a blog of Leo Babauta covers different range of features such as simplicity, health and fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, happiness, family life, goals, getting things done and living in the moment. In the chaos of everyday life, you need to stop… and breath; find happiness and define the most important things in life.

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